For most men passing the age of forty-five is not only a sign of the dreaded 'middle' age but is also the point at which they might well expect to see the arrival of prostate problems at any day. Enlargement of the prostate (also referred to as benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH) is a normal part of the aging process and, as its name suggests, it is not a life-threatening condition.
In the vast majority of cases the symptoms of an enlarged prostate will be relatively mild and, although most men are aware of them, they simply choose to live with them as something of a nuisance and merely a sign of getting old.
It is also very common for people with an enlarged prostate to visit the bathroom more frequently and often with a sense of urgency, feeling that you can no longer 'hold on' as you used to do. Many men also find that they increasingly have to get up during the night to visit the bathroom.
Interference with the process of emptying the bladder can also lead in some men to an increased risk of urinary track infection and this is often felt as a burning sensation when urinating. In these cases you should always seek treatment from your physician or an urologist.
Prostate enlargement can also lead to other problems such as damage to the bladder and kidneys. The second is that in addition to an enlarged prostate, many men will also develop prostate cancer. The symptoms of an enlarged prostate may well mask this until the cancer is too far advanced to treat it effectively.
Causes and Prevention
There seems to be a consensus that there is no specific causes for this condition. Medication, toxins and fats seem to exacerbate the production of dihydro testosterone, enlargement stimulant. Phytostrogens seem to suppress the growth of this gland. It always seems to come back to diet, studies where men who have eaten boiled tomatoes, which has lycopene, have had very low incidences of prostate problems. Also, fish, mussel, grains, beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflowers all containing zinc have a suppressing affect on prostate enlargement.
Prostate Treatment Therapies
We want to present you with choices. Look into all the options available before you make it final. Each one has its strong and weak points, see which one fits best for your situation.
Precision Guidance for Radiation Therapy
Your doctor will implant three tiny Beacon® electromagnetic transponders in your prostate to allow for triangulation in calculating the precise location of the prostate’s position in the body prior to and during radiation treatment. The insertion of the transponders is a simple, 10-minute outpatient procedure, less invasive and no more uncomfortable than a biopsy.
The three transponders transmit radio frequency waves continuously to let the radiation oncologist know where the tumor is at all times. When the prostate moves within the body, the transponders instantly report the movement, and the radiation oncologist can re-align the radiation safely and efficiently to accurately target the tumor.
Brachytherapy (also called seed implantation or interstitial radiation therapy)
Is the use of small radioactive pellets, or seeds, each about the size of a grain of rice. These seeds are placed directly into your prostate, where they irradiate the cancer from inside the gland. The implanted seeds are so small you cannot feel them.
Brachytherapy may be given in addition to external beam radiation, or it may be used as the only form of radiotherapy. In some cases the radioactive sources may be permanently left in place; in other cases, they are removed after a specified time.
Pomegranate Juice
Early research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may slow the progression of prostate cancer.
For example, in one study, the length of time it took for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to double after surgery or radiation for prostate cancer was significantly longer in men who drank 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of pomegranate juice daily for up to two years. A longer doubling time indicates that the cancer is progressing less rapidly.
During a radical prostatectomy, your surgeon removes the entire prostate and if necessary, the nearby lymph nodes, while trying to spare the muscles and nerves that control urination and sexual function (nerve-sparing techniques). The procedure is usually done under general or spinal anesthesia.
Ongoing studies show that certain foods and nutrients can help slow the progression of prostate cancer and help prevent recurrences. A low-fat, high fiber, plant-based diet has been shown to slow cancer progression and enhance the immune system. Also, be prudent in restricting your intake of refined sugar, flour and grains. Drink plenty of healthy fluids like water and natural teas such as the ones you find at Adagio Teas.
Prevention is the best cure for prostate issues and there are natural alternatives that help. Take the time to look at our searched results for natural prostate health for more information.